
     7月3日-5日,西班牙前首相、欧中经济合作与发展理事会主席萨帕特罗来华参加第八届全球智库峰会。本届峰会由中国国际经济交流中心主办,主题为“直面多重不确定性 共创全球美好未来”。西班牙驻华大使玛尔塔·贝坦索斯·罗伊格、欧中经济合作与发展理事会理事长潘锋一行陪同参加。








02 Zapatero Participates in the 8th Global Think Tank Summit

From July 3rd to 5th, former Spanish Prime Minister and President of the Europe-China Economic and Trade Association, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, accompanied by Spanish Ambassador to China, Marta Betanzos Roig, and Pan Feng, President of the Europe-China Economic Cooperation and Development Council, visited China to attend the 8th Global Think Tank Summit. This summit, hosted by the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, was themed "Working Together for a Better World Amidst Multiple Uncertainties". 

The summit opened on the afternoon of July 4th, with former Chinese Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan attending and delivering the keynote speech. Other notable speakers included former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, and former WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy. Nearly 100 former political leaders, department heads, international organization and think tank leaders, experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs from both domestic and international backgrounds participated in the discussions. Key topics included "Jointly Addressing Major Global Development Challenges in the New Era," "Coordinating International Economic and Financial Policies to Maintain Balanced and Stable Global Growth," "Building a Community of Human Health and Wellness," "Global Climate Governance and International Cooperation," "Cooperating to Address Global Development Uncertainties," "Fragmentation of the Global Economy and Reconstruction of Industrial and Supply Chains," "Opportunities and Challenges Under the New Round of Technological Revolution and Industrial Transformation," "New Economic Development Paradigms for Carbon Neutrality," and "Trends in Sino-US Relations and the Future of the World."

On the morning of July 5th, Beijing Party Secretary Yin Li met with Zapatero in Beijing. The meeting was also attended by Marta Betanzos Roig and Pan Feng. Yin Li emphasized the strategic significance and global impact of China-Europe relations, noting that the EU is Beijing's largest trading partner. He expressed hope that the Europe-China Economic and Trade Association would actively promote mutual cooperation between the EU and China, particularly in technology innovation, new energy vehicles, biopharmaceuticals, and green environmental protection, as well as cultural, educational, and youth exchanges. Zapatero highlighted the critical role of China-Europe relations in global peace and stability, reaffirming Spain's strong support for open and free trade and commitment to promoting win-win development between Spain and China. He assured that the Europe-China Economic Cooperation and Development Council would work to enhance exchanges and cooperation in commerce, investment, and culture between the EU and China, particularly with Beijing.

During his visit, Zapatero also visited the China-Germany Industrial Park in Shunyi District, where he exchanged views on practical cooperation between China and Europe, as well as Spain.